Environmental Physiology of Fish
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA
Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center, Turners Falls, MA, USA
Former Graduate Students
Current Positions
Jill B. K. Leonard, Ph.D., Department of Biology, 1997
Professor, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI
Joseph D. Zydlewski, Ph.D., Department of Biology, 1998
Research Fish Biologist, Assistant Unit Leader, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research, USGS
Professor, University of Maine, Orono, ME
Ryan A. Pelis, M.S., Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, 2000
Senior Investigator, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Cambridge, MA
Darren T. Lerner, Ph.D., Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, 2006
Director, Hawai'i Sea Grant College Program, University of Hawaii, Manoa, HI
Katherine Nieves-Puigdoller, Ph.D., Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, 2007
Postdoctoral Fellow, Amherst College, MA
Michelle Y. Monette, Ph.D., Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, 2007
Associate Professor, Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT
Luke R. Iwanowicz, Ph.D., Department of Natural Resources Conservation, 2008
Research Molecular Biologist, USDA Agricultural Research Service, WV
Joseph G. Chadwick, M.Sc., Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, 2012
Owner, First Earth Edible Gardens and Landscaping, Los Angeles, CA
Ciaran Shaughnessy, Ph.D., Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, 2020
Assistant Professor of Integrative Physiology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Lian Guo, Ph.D., Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, 2021
Research Coordinator, Science Integration Team, California Sea Grant, La Jolla, CA
Jessica Norstog, Ph.D., Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, 2023
Former Postdoctoral Fellows
Current Position
Former Postdoctoral Fellows
Current Position
Gayle B. Zydlewski
Associate Professor and UMaine Sea Grant Director, University of Maine, Orono, ME
J. Mark Shrimpton
Full Professor, University of Northern British Columbia, BC, Canada
Juan Miguel Mancera
Full Professor, University of Cadiz, Spain
Junya Hiroi
Assistant Professor, St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
Dianne M. Baker
Associate Professor, Mary Washington College, VA
Tom Ole Nilsen
Associate Professor, University of Bergen, Norway
Senior Environmental Scientist, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, Sacramento, CA
Arne K Christensen
Assistant Professor, Westfield State University, Westfield, MA
Jason P. Breves
Associate Professor, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY
Tara A. Duffy
Lecturer, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Yoko Yamaguchi
Assistant Professor, Shinshu University, Japan
Shannon M. Bayse
Diogo Ferreira Martins
Researcher, Biodiscovery for Health, CIIMAR, Matosinhos, Portugal
Luis Vargas-Chacoff
Associate Professor, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
Sigurd Stefansson
Professor, University of Bergen, Norway
Björn Thrandur Björnsson
Professor, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Andre Barany
Assistant Professor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Shotaro Irachi
Vilma Duarte
Ph.D. Graduate Student, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
Pasqualina Gaetano
Ph.D. Graduate Student, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
Visiting Scientists
Undergraduate Honors Thesis Advisees (Committee Chair)
Undergraduate Theses can be found at the UMass Special Collections and University Archives
Hayley Sullivan, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2013
Title: The Effect of Social Instability During Puberty on the Anti-Depressant Effects of Estradiol in Adult CD-1 Mice
Alex Daigle, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2017
Title: Quantitative approaches to staging during metamorphosis in sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus
Emily Walton, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2019
Title: Role of Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like Growth Factor in Metamorphosis and Osmoregulation of Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)
Hadley Kerr, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2020
Title: Localization and osmoregulatory function of the epithelial Na+ channel in the gills of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)
Jonathan Petit, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2020
Title: Changes in Pituitary Hormones During Metamorphosis and Salinity Exposure in Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)
Elizabeth Troll, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2021
Title: Comparison of Upper Thermal Limits in Juvenile Alewife and Blueback River Herring