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Steve Diogo Jess Ciaran fyke net

The lab team sets up a Fyke net across the Sawmill River, Montague, MA to collect newly-metamorphosed sea lamprey during the downstream migration (Dec 2017). Shown in photo, from left to right: Ciaran Shaughnessy, Jessica Norstog, Stephen McCormick, and Andrew Weinstock. Photo credit: Andre Barany


Streamside dissection team at work, collecting tissues from juvenile sea lamprey to understand physiological changes that occur during metamorphosis. Shown in photo: Ciaran Shaughnessy (left), Diogo Ferreira-Martins (middle), and Stephen McCormick (right). Photo credit: Jessica Norstog

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Emily Walton color tagging a juvenile sea lamprey. Photo credit: Jessica Norstog

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A Chinook salmon after exposure to elevated temperatures in streamside tanks on the Yukon River, AK. Shown in photo: USGS researchers Dan Donnelly, Sarah Laske, and Shannon Waters. Photo credit: Stephen McCormick

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22-m-high Cabot Fishway (Ice Harbor pool-and-weir design) located on the Connecticut River in Turners Falls, MA Photo credit: Shannon Bayse

Lab Dinner 2018

Left to right: Lian Guo, Dan Hall, Andre Baraney, Ciaran Shaughnessy, Steve McCormick, Jessica Norstog, Shotaro Irachi, and Diogo Ferreira Martins Photo Credit: Victoria McCormick

PI Stephen McCormick holding an Atla

PI Stephen McCormick holding an Atlantic sturgeon Photo Credit: Stacia Sower

Circulating hormones in smolts

Changes in circulating hormones during smolt development Image credit: Stephen McCormick

Lian Guo with blueback herring

Lian Guo holds an adult blueback herring during an electrofishing trip in Wethersfield Cove, CT. Credit: Jadziah Moonstone


Image of ionocytes in skin of larval tilapia Image credit: Junya Hiroi

Field sampling 2018

Ciaran Shaughnessy (left) and Jessica Norstog (right) electrofishing for metamorphic sea lamprey Photo Credit: Shotaro Irachi

Larval blueback herring

Larval blueback herring change rapidly in morphology as they develop (e.g. pigment spots), but those big shiny eyes always stay the same. Credit: Lian Guo

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Setting up a cage study in a stream weir at Hubbard Brook, NH. Photo credit: Scott Bailey

River herring experimental tanks

Experimental tanks used to test the effects of temperature on juvenile river herring physiology. Photo credit: Lian Guo

NKA isoforms during smoltification

Changes in Na+,K+-ATPase isoforms during smolt development and seawater exposure. Adapted from: McCormick et al. 2014 J Exp Biol

Sampling 2017

Diogo Ferreira-Martins (top) uses a microscope to dissect brain regions, Ciaran Shaughnessy (middle) dissects intestines and kidneys in the middle, and Jessica Norstog (bottom) dissects gill tissues for this lamprey study. Photo Credit: Shotaro Irachi

Dr. McCormick doing some bench work

The PI Steve McCormick doing some bench work Photo credit: Diogo Ferreira-Martins

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Metamorphic juvenile sea lamprey and their ionocytes (stained red with an antibody for Na+,K+-ATPase) that are responsible for the development of seawater tolerance. Photo credit: Jonathan Wilson (J Exp Biol 211:978-988)

Field sampling 2017

Lamprey metamorphic field sampling, 2017. Photo credit: Jessica Norstog

From left to right: Shotaro Hiraishi

From left to right: Shotaro Irachi, Ciaran Shaughnessy, Diogo Ferreira Martins, Jessica Norstog on a social event during the 13th International Congress on the Biology of Fish (ICBF 2018), Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Photo credit: Stephen McCormick

Ionocytes through smoltification

Increase in the size and number of ionocytes (stained red with an antibody for Na+/K+-ATPase) during the parr-smolt transformation of Atlantic salmon. Image credit: Ryan Pelis (Am J Physiol 280:R1844-R1852)

Atlantic salmon gill

Immunohistochemistry staining for ion transporters on a seawater-acclimated salmon gill. Image credit: Amy Regish

Sea lamprey postmetamorphic juvenile

Sea lamprey postmetamorphic juvenile Image credit: Jessica Norstog (Gen Comp Endocrinol Vol 307)

Shotaro ICBF Presentation

Shotaro Irachi (left) presenting his work on the effects of deionized water on Atlantic salmon parr to Junya Hiroi (right) at the 13th International Conference on Fish Biology, Calgary, Alberta. Photo credit: Jessica Norstog

Fyke net sampling

Field sampling of postmetamorphic sea lamprey using a fyke net in Connecticut River tributary in November 2016. Photo credit: Jessica Norstog

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Changes in Na+,K+-ATPase isoforms during seawater exposure in the gills of Hawaiian goby Adapted from: McCormick et al. 2003

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Getting ready for some messy sampling in the lab. From left to right: Stephen McCormick, Darren Lerner, Katherine Nieves-Puigdoller Photo credit: Amy Regish


Electrofishing juvenile salmon on Salmon Brook, CT. Photo credit: Michael O'Dea

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Catch and release project on the Alagnak River with Julie Meka. Photo credit: Brad Baker

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Sampling migrating smolts in the Dennys River, ME. Photo credit: Stephen McCormick

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In-stream sampling in Smith Brook, VT. Photo credit: Stephen McCormick

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Sampling juvenile alewives at night in Brides Pond, CT. Photo credit: Stephen McCormick

USGS Conte Lab Physiology team 2014

USGS Conte Lab Physiology team 2014

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John Kelly collects water samples to measure inorganic aluminum levels in the Swift River, NH. Photo credit: Michael O'Dea

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