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Aerial view of the USGS EESC Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center in Turners Falls, MA, USA


The McCormick Lab is housed off-campus as part of a cooperative relationship with the US Geological Survey.  The facility, 15 miles north of campus, is situated on the Connecticut River, a migratory pathway for many native anadromous fish species

S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center
One Migratory Way
Turners Falls, MA 01376

Tel: 413-863-9475
Fax: 413-863-9810





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From I-91

Exit 27 to get on Rt. 2 East

Turn right at the second light (Montague City Road) - this sends you over the Connecticut River into Turners Falls

Go through two lights, past shopping center, and turn right on 11th Avenue

Go over the canal and turn left onto G Street

Follow G street along the canal for 0.8 miles, turn right through the gate and enter the first building


From Eastern MA via Route 2

Head west on Route 2. After Gardner, this is a two-lane road.

Go another ~20 miles to Turners Falls.

Continue until the first light on Route 2 (The Mill Mobil gas station on right).

Turn left onto Montague City Road (over Connecticut River into Turners Falls).

Go through two lights, past shopping center, and turn right on 11th Avenue.

Go over the canal and turn left onto G Street.

Follow G street along the canal for 0.8 miles, turn right through fence and enter the first building.


From UMass campus

Exit campus via North Pleasant Street.

North Pleasant Street intersects with Route 63 at a stoplight in North Amherst. Go straight through the light, then bear right, staying on Route 63.

Continue approximately 8 miles, turn left onto Route 47 (Leverett Road).

After 0.2 miles, turn right onto Main Street (Montague), then continue onto Turners Falls Road.

Approximately 5 miles after turning off Route 47, turn left onto Turnpike Road (fire station on left).

Remain on Turnpike Road until it ends, then turn right onto Montague City Road.

Turn left on 11th Avenue.

Go over the canal and turn left onto G Street.

Follow G street along the canal for 0.8 miles, turn right through fence and enter the first building.

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©2023 Designed by Diogo Ferreira Martins and updated by Jessica Norstog for McCormick Lab - Environmental Physiology of Fish. Created with

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